Training Update: GKI Works with Entrepreneurs in Kampala, Uganda

The GKI team traveled to Kampala, Uganda in April, 2015 to work with The Uganda National Council of Science and Technology (UNCST) to train Ugandan researchers on key entrepreneurship skills for successfully launching ventures.

In back-to-back intensive trainings, GKI trained two cohorts on entrepreneurship tools such as value propositions, rapid prototyping, and “strategy shaping” – a tool for clarifying the resources, partners, and activities needed to reach specific outcomes. Participants, who were applicants for a Ugandan government entrepreneurship fund, expressed their appreciation for tools they learned at the training. One participant noted that “Right from the start, [GKI] helped us focus on the problem and find the solution. By learning about value propositions, market segments, and strategy techniques, I was finally able to understand my solution in relation to the market/user.”
GKI and UNCST are long-term partners, having collaborated even before they signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2013. GKI looks forward to further engaging and building on its relationship with UNCST over the coming years.