
PlantVillage helps people get answers on growing food, from Penn State to Kenya


Our friend, collaborator, and Penn State University assistant professor of entomology Dr. David Hughes has a venture aimed at sharing knowledge on gardening and farming that he’s started with Penn State biologist Dr. Marcel Salathe (check out Salathe’s lab here).

They have designed their website, PlantVillage, to help people garden, farm, and generally grow their own food. The user-moderated site allows people to ask questions to the PlantVillage community. Other users answer their questions, and the community rates the best answers.  It is an intuitive, highly-participatory platform (we at GKI are definitely fans!).

The PlantVillage team shared a piece of news with us last week that got us excited: they received their first question and response from Africa. The question, from Kenya, had to do with using growth hormones on strawberries – within a day the person submitting the question had a response.

We hope you’ll check out PlantVillage, and ask or answer a question. Then you can hop on over to David Hughes’ lab’s website and learn about the fascinating, creepy world of Zombie Ants.

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